The Classic
Prime beef burger on brioche bread with cheddar, bacon, crisp salad and red onions, served with William's chips and hot mayo dip
018 - 14 09 20PGEgY2xhc3MgPSAibF9tYWlsIGxfbmV3X3dpbmRvdyIgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmluZm9Ad2lsbGlhbXNwdWIuc2UiIHRhcmdldD1fYmxhbms+aW5mb0B3aWxsaWFtc3B1Yi5zZTwvYT4=
Prime beef burger on brioche bread with cheddar, bacon, crisp salad and red onions, served with William's chips and hot mayo dip